Karen's Coffee Corner

Coffee Corner Management Company LLC is a one stop shop for Property Management and AIRBNB Mangement!  Thousands of Hosts around the world are looking for Co-hosts to partner with them.  I will provide the following:

  • Create a listing: Co-Hosts can manage the listing—write titles and descriptions, take and upload photos, and determine pricing.
  • Update calendar and pricing: Keep a listing’s availability up-to-date and manage the listing’s price settings, including seasonal pricing and weekly discounts
  • Manage reservations: Accept or decline trip requests
  • Message with guests: Get to know guests, answer questions, and coordinate arrival and departure on behalf of the listing owner
  • Get the space guest-ready: Help make sure the home set up to welcome guests, including outfitting it with all the amenities.
  • Welcome guests in person when applicable: Greet guests, give them a tour of the space, and answer questions about the location
  • Help guests during their stay: If guests have an issue during their stay, Co-Hosts can communicate with them and fix the problem. For example, a guest is locked out or the Internet is down.
  • Write reviews: Co-Hosts can use their own Airbnb account to write guest reviews on behalf of the listing owner
  • Cleaning and maintenance: Work with a professional cleaning service, clean the space yourself, or both. For instance, a Co-Host may wash towels and sheets, while a cleaning service takes care of the kitchen and bathrooms. You can also handle general home maintenance and repairs.
  • Get support from Airbnb: Need help with a reservation or guest issue? Co-Hosts can handle the communication and find a resolution.
  • However, Co-Hosts can’t open or manage Resolution Center requests